Participants of DSLNG's Agricultural Training Reap Many Positive Outcomes

During nearly two months, six participants from Batui, Kintom, and Nambo Districts attended an integrated agricultural training at the OISCA Sukabumi Training Center in West Java, organized by DSLNG. The training was highly successful, providing participants with deep theoretical and practical insights into agriculture. They learned various aspects including organic fertilizer production, animal feed preparation, seedling cultivation, land management, and effective harvesting techniques. In addition to agricultural skills, participants also received training in discipline and Japanese language study. OISCA itself is a non-profit organization with a broad network in the Asia Pacific and Latin America. This initiative underscores DSLNG's commitment to enhancing human resource quality and supporting local economic progress around the plant area.

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DSLNG Celebrates World Environment Day with Tree Planting Action

DSLNG celebrated World Environment Day on June 5 by organizing a tree planting activity in the DSLNG Plant area. A total of 106 durian trees were planted by DSLNG employees and business partners on Saturday (6/8/2024). The purpose of this activity is to enhance the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air and restore the land in the planting area. This is in line with the theme of World Environment Day 2024, " Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience," which emphasizes the global efforts to restore degraded land and address climate change. In his speech, DSLNG Plant General Manager Hirohisa Omura emphasized the strong message of the campaign theme, "Our Land, Our Future, We Are the Restoration Generation," which remind the importance of soil health for human well-being. This tree planting activity is part of a series of efforts undertaken by DSLNG since the construction of the DSLNG Plant in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi since 2011. These efforts include planting various types of trees during World Environment Day celebrations and reforestation programs within and outside the DSLNG Plant environment, including the Bakiriang Wildlife Sanctuary area.


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DSLNG Exposes CO2 Emission Reduction Innovation at IPA Convex 2024

 PT Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) proudly explained the innovations first implemented in the LNG refinery in Indonesia during the Technical Program presentation at The IPA Convex 2024 event, held from May 14-16, 2024, at ICE BSD City, Tangerang. DSLNG's presentation was delivered by Process Engineer Indah Fajarina Dewi on the second day of The IPA Convex 2024, Wednesday (15/05/2024). This effort is part of DSLNG's commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions at the LNG plant by introducing an innovative defrosting method. The presentation focused on applying Boil-Off Gas (BOG) as defrost gas, which was used at an LNG plant in Indonesia for the first time. Utilizing BOG as defrost gas saves energy and reduces environmental impact. Energy savings are measured by the amount of feed gas used as defrost gas during Liner and Transition Piece Inspection (LTPI) and Major Inspection (MI), amounting to 44.2 MMSCF (million cubic feet per day), equivalent to a reduction in emissions of 2,209 tons of CO2. 

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The competence of people is paramount to the achievement of operational excellence. Right from the start DSLNG has sought to attract and develop the very best people to achieve its operational goals.

Basic concept

Empowerment is the key word in the implementation of DSLNG's CSR programs, with focus on human resources' capacity building

“DSLNG is working to improve the quality of life of the surrounding communities”


Community & CSR


Corporate Activities