DSLNG Holds Goes to Campus Event at Untika Luwuk
DSLNG once again organized the DSLNG Goes to Campus program as part of its contribution to improving education in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. Held on Friday, November 29, 2024, at the Faculty of Public Health, Tompotika University (Untika) Luwuk, the event provided students with in-depth insights into Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in high-risk work environments.
The first session was presented by Safety Team Leader, Ahmad Sulaiman, who emphasized the importance of OHS in protecting workers' safety and ensuring operational continuity. Meanwhile, QHSE Performance Analyst, Morisca Ramadhany Tamunu, delivered material on the prevention of occupational diseases. The event was attended by dozens of enthusiastic students who actively participated, especially during the interactive Q&A session. Through this program, it is hoped that students will not only enhance their awareness of the importance of OHS but also understand its vital role in creating safe and healthy work environments.