DSLNG Receives 2021 Oil and Gas Safety Award
The success of PT Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) in ensuring the continuity of work safety has prompted the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of the Republic of Indonesia to again award DSLNG the Patra Karya Raksa Madya award for the category of Oil and Gas Safety Guidance and Patra Nirbhaya Karya Utama Adinugraha I for Oil and Gas Safety Award without Lost Time Injury (LTI).
These two awards were given directly by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, to the Operations Senior Manager of DSLNG, Helfia Nil Chalis, in an event that was held virtually from Jakarta, Wednesday (11/24/2021). This achievement is a form of appreciation for the Oil and Gas Business Entities or Permanent Establishments (BU/BUT) in maintaining safety in operational activities, both in the upstream and downstream sectors, especially during the pandemic. There are four aspects that serve as indicators for the assessment, namely worker safety, equipment installation, environment, and community safety. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that the award process has gone through a long process and crucial stages. The achievement cannot be separated from the performance of all parties in the company.