Packages of Supplements, Basic Foods, and Cloth Masks Distributed by DSLNG
Aid packages for the community during the Covid-19 pandemic in health supplements and necessities for the elderly in Batui, Kintom, and Nambo sub-districts were again distributed by DSLNG. In addition to this donation, DSLNG also distributed cloth masks to support the community to continue implementing health protocols as a precaution against the spread of the pandemic. A total of 266 aid packages were distributed to the community in 38 villages and sub-districts in the three sub-districts gradually, through the coordination of the Government and Karang Taruna.
DSLNG also empowered the tailors in the three sub-districts to produce cloth masks. To date, 3,800 masks from local tailors have been distributed. This is expected to help tailors amid the current unfavorable economic situation.