With the interest of having the tools and mechanism which will assist us in obtaining tip-off or information relevant to our monitoring the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, DSLNG has established reporting mechanism and tools that will allow persons in possession of information and evidence of unethical business conducts or violations towards applicable laws and regulations relevant to our business and operation which may adversely impact DSLNG’s assets or financial integrity or reputation.
This Code of Conduct shall represent the Company’s commitment to operate with standard of behavior in line with the principles of good corporate governance, the Company’s Values as well as the prevailing laws and regulations.
This Code of Conduct applies to each Personnel without exemption; whereas for the interest of maintaining the Company’s good reputation and integrity, it is also expected that each third party the Company is dealing with, shall support the implementation of this Code of Conduct.
The Company’s Values are the underlying fundamental principles which are expected to be embedded in each Personnel. Every Personnel is expected to act and behave according to the Company’s Values in conducting business in order to achieve the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Company.
The Company’s Values are:
1. Integrity
2. Responsibility
3. Professionalism
4. Ethics