DSLNG Successfully Completes the 2023 OPA Program
DSLNG completed the 2023 Operator Program Apprenticeship (OPA) with a simple event attended by DSLNG management and representatives from the Banggai District Government, led by the Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office, Ernaini Mustatim, in Luwuk on Monday (2/19/2024). The program, which lasted for a year, was attended by eight participants who were declared competent and graduated. Previously, the participants were selected through a lengthy selection process. Out of 60 applicants, eight participants were selected who passed until the final stage. In this apprenticeship program, the participants successfully completed 2,054 hours of training, consisting of 248 hours of theory and 1,806 hours of practical activities at the DSLNG Plant in Uso Village, Batui District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi.
Since 2021, the DSLNG OPA program has graduated three batches, with a total of 20 OPA participants from the first to the third batch. OPA has been a great opportunity for the youth from Banggai Regency with appropriate technical education backgrounds to receive training and experience as operators at the DSLNG Plant, providing them with the main foundation for a career in the oil and gas industry, particularly in LNG plant. Many OPA graduates have even become part of the current DSLNG tea