Education Programme

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Improved access and quality of basic education for local communities.

Through roaming library at the Community Center , we are expanding access to school-age children. We also improve the English language skills of local high school students at Batui District.

DSLNG currently implements scholarships programme with Institut Pertanian Bogor . There are 5 best students from local sub-districts supported and invested to become the future leader of Banggai through their respective interest. Moreover, we are also currently implementing mutual partnerships with the Government of Banggai and Central Sulawesi Province to increase the number of skilled human resources.  SinceApril 2014, we have conducted a simultaneous vocational training on welding, automotive, sewing, and technique electro to potential youth in villages to increase their capacity and knowledge as a worker or entrepreneur. The training was a success and brought a new perspective of working to the participants.

We also support Indonesia Mengajar Program whom assigned young bright scholars to teach in remote area, including several villages in Banggai regency.

DSLNG in coordination with Banggai District Education Office, held scholarships program  for outstanding and underprivileged studentsof elementary, middle, and high level schools from the three closest sub-districts, namely Batui, Kintom, and Nambo. Monitoring of the scholarship was also carried out together with Banggai District Education Office within a period of six months.