Supporting Local Government to Prevent Stunting, DSLNG Presents First Nutrition Clinic in Banggai
DSLNG presents the first Nutrition Clinic in Banggai Regency, centered at Batui Health Center, to support the government`s program in stunting prevention. Through the Nutrition Clinic program, which was initiated with the Banggai Health Office, DSLNG provides adequate facilities and equipment and carries out capacity building for health workers at the Puskesmas so that this program can run optimally.
Since the beginning of its presence, DSLNG has contributed significantly and proactively to various programs to improve public health services around the Donggi-Senoro LNG Plant, including from infectious disease prevention programs to specific nutrition interventions, and always encourages the capacity building of health workers and facilities, especially in Batui, Kintom, and Nambo sub-districts.