About Us

Good Corporate Governance


The ultimate goal of DSLNG has always been to deliver values to our stakeholders. Hence, in order to achieve such goal, we understand the importance of implementation of GCG principles, as well as establishing a sufficient form and structure of corporate governance.

As downstream LNG project of joint investments of four well-established enterprises namely PT PERTAMINA (Persero), PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Korea Gas Corporation, herein DSLNG, we are committed to conform to the highest standards of GCG principles, and have established set of rules and guidelines for all personnel of DSLNG to conduct business and operational activities. All policies established as our set of guidelines in doing business and operational activities, and to correspond and in line with our Vision, Mission and Corporate Values. Compliance to the applicable laws and regulations is mandatory as well as conformity with the following principles:

Keeping in mind the Interest of Stakeholders

One of the most significant purposes for implementation of GCG principles is to maintain balanced relationships between DSLNG with the stakeholders. Our commitment has always been to keep the interests of our stakeholders in mind while conducting our business and operational activities.

Equal Treatment for Shareholders

We view that with regard to the business, not only that we should respect the Shareholders and their rights, but also to fairly assist our Shareholders when it comes to exercising their lawful rights. We highly regard involvement and participation of our Shareholders in our activities such as within the meetings.

Ethical Behavior

Ethics and integrity are key principles in corporate governance which have been included as our Corporate Values since the very beginning. We view that integrity of our personnel should conform to the high standards. Personnel must also follow our established Code of Conduct and exhibit ethical behavior during conducting business and operational activities. With this regard, we expect that our Business Partners to also apply the same ethical standards to ensure that our engagement and cooperation at all times shall be in compliance with the prevailing laws and ethically responsible.

Public Acceptance

We believe that in terms of doing business, an organization which applies the corporate governance shall be widely accepted by the public, and in particular, its stakeholders. This is mostly due to implementation of the GCG principles, such as transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness. With proper disclosure and the ability for those who work in the business as well as our stakeholders to get adequate information, a higher level of trust may be established. Due to the way that corporate governance is established, Personnel shall be held to a specific standard and communication made easier due to their being an established structure and role in the organization. As it shall keep organization honest and in compliance, there is a lower chance of fraud and company-wide criminal activity, which helps in gaining the trust of our stakeholders as well.