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Encourage Students to Understand the Professional Work in the LNG Industry through DSLNG Goes to Campus

Concerned about improving human resources in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, DSLNG initiated the DSLNG Goes to Campus program in collaboration with Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Luwuk on Tuesday (25/10/2022).

This activity also supports the Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to improve students' soft and hard skills to be well-prepared for the professional world.

The initial event was enthusiastically followed by students, where DSLNG's External Communication Supervisor, Rahmat Azis, had the opportunity to deliver material on becoming a communications practitioner in the oil and gas industry.

In the future, DSLNG Goes to Campus will present our employees who want to voluntarily share their professional knowledge and technical experience.