Again, DSLNG Provides Scholarships for 152 Banggai Regency Students
DSLNG again provided educational scholarship assistance to 152 students and students of Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. The scholarships are for elementary, junior high, high school, and tertiary students who excel and come from simple family backgrounds in three sub-districts around the DSLNG Plant, Batui District, Kintom District, and Nambo District. The recipients have gone through a selection stage in coordination with the District Government and the respective Village Governments.
The amount of the scholarship awarded varies according to the level of education. For elementary students, each received Rp 1.5 million, junior high scAhool students received Rp 2 million, high school students received Rp 3 million, and college students each received Rp 4 million.
This scholarship is part of the DSLNG CSR program in the field of education as an effort to support the improvement of the quality of human resources for local youth, which is prioritized for the local community around the DSLNG Plant operating in Uso Village, Batui District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi.