DSLNG Pioneers the First AI Clinic in Indonesia
Welcoming the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), DSLNG, in collaboration with the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI) Central Sulawesi, successfully organized the first AI Clinic in Indonesia for media editorial teams, held in Palu on December 10-11, 2024. The event featured AI Media Specialist, Apni Jaya Putra, and was attended by dozens of journalists from various regions in Central Sulawesi, such as Palu, Parigi, North Morowali, and Luwuk.
Participants received intensive training on the use of AI technology to support journalistic work, including the use of text, voice, image, video features, as well as the legal and ethical aspects of its use. This program is part of DSLNG's commitment to enhancing journalists' capacity through various initiatives that support the advancement of journalism in Indonesia, especially in Central Sulawesi