DSLNG Commemorates Environment Day by Taking Action to Clean Up Plastic Waste
DSLNG celebrated World Environment Day on June 5, 2023, by engaging in a collective effort to gather plastic waste in the vicinity of the Donggi-Senoro LNG Plant, in alignment with this year's global celebration theme, "Beat Plastic Pollution." DSLNG's initiative to collect plastic waste brought together employees, contractor workers, and the TNI-Polri personnel stationed at the DSLNG Plant. This action to clean up plastic waste was directly led by DSLNG Plant Manager Kazuo Nakanishi and focused on coastal areas and patrol roads. A total of 337 kilograms of plastic waste, occupying a volume of 12 cubic meters, were successfully collected.
Of this amount, 174 kilograms were retrieved from the beach area, having been carried by the sea, while the remaining 163 kilograms were collected from the company's patrol roads, currently serving as public transportation routes. Additionally, this year, DSLNG launched a campaign program aimed at raising awareness about environmental preservation, through a national-scale public social media video competition with the theme "Banggai Itu Keren 2023," highlighting the beauty of nature and conveying messages regarding environmental consciousness campaigns for the Banggai, Banggai Kepulauan, and Banggai Laut areas.