DSLNG Commemorates Indonesia's 78th Independence Day with Solemnity and Festivity
DSLNG commemorated the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia with a flag-raising ceremony in DSLNG Site Plant, Uso Village, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, on Thursday (17/8/2023). The solemn ceremony was attended by DSLNG employees, business partners, as well as TNI and POLRI personnel stationed at the DSLNG Site, with the DSLNG’s Operations Director, Betantyo Madyantoro, acting as the Ceremony Inspector.
The series of Independence Day celebrations was lively with various exciting games which were enthusiastically participated since Wednesday (16/8/2023) at the Site Plant and closed with the Tumpeng Decorating Competition at the Jakarta DSLNG Office, on Tuesday (22/08/2023). And of course, what characterizes each Independence Day celebration at DSLNG is the traditional attire contest from various Indonesian regions, such as from Banggai, Minangkabau, Java, Bugis, Maluku, Flores, Betawi, Dayak, Madura, and several other regions. At the Jakarta Office, apart from being enlivened by traditional attire, it was also festive by wearing national hero-themed costumes.