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DSLNG Collaborates with LPDS to Hold Journalist Competency Test

To improve the quality of the press in the region, DSLNG held a Journalist Competency Test (UKW) in collaboration with the Lembaga Pers Dr. Soetomo (LPDS). This prestigious press institution becomes a reference for other institutions in implementing UKW. A total of 14 journalists from various regions in Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi participated in the UKW, which was held for two days for three levels, consisting of Junior, Intermediate, and Main levels.
DSLNG became the first company in Banggai Regency to initiate and hold UKW. The UKW that held not only contained with tests, but the journalists also received coaching sessions from senior journalists who were also members of the Indonesian Press Council. From this UKW, all journalists were declared competent to complete the exam well.