DSLNG Supports the 2024 Banggai Government Expo
The 2024 Banggai Government Expo was once again organized by the Banggai Regency Government at Mirqan Field, Luwuk, Central Sulawesi (8-21 September 2024). Aimed to sharing information and as a platform for connecting various stakeholders, DSLNG also participated in this event. With an interactive booth, DSLNG presented a wide range of general information to the public, including information about the DSLNG project and plant, featured CSR programs such as OISCA and the ex-situ Maleo bird conservation. DSLNG also hosted a writing competition for all journalists in Banggai Regency who attended the expo.
Additionally, during the four-day event, DSLNG held numerous interactive educational quizzes with attractive prizes for the visitors. The DSLNG booth was visited by over 200 people from various backgrounds, including school students, university students, public officials, and the public.