

Donations to Fight COVID-19 Impact in Central Sulawesi

To support efforts to mitigate COVID-19 impact, DSLNG handed goods donation to Central Sulawesi government on 11 May 2020.


Berita Terkini

DSLNG received Gold Award Certificate for its Security Management System from National Police of Republic of Indonesia, Tuesday (16/6) in Jakarta.


DSLNG Holds COVID-19 Vaccination for Operational Reliability

To maintain the reliability of plant operations during the Covid-19 pandemic, DSLNG is implementing the Gotong Royong Vaccination Program gradually. Vaccination of employees and contractor workers at the DSLNG plant in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, was carried out from July to August 2021. Previously, DSLNG also had completed vaccinations for Jakarta Head Office employees from April to June 2021, supported by SKK Migas. The Company will continue to implement strict health protoco...

DSLNG Holds Eid al-Adha Sacrifice 1442 H

PT Donggi-Senoro LNG carried out the Eid al-Adha 1442 Hijriah in Batui, Kintom, and Nambo Districts, the closest areas to the DSLNG Plant. 15 cows were sacrificed and distributed to those in need in 32 villages and sub-districts in the three sub-districts on 20-22 July 2021. DSLNG sacrifices were executed by the youths in collaboration with local governments involved in managing Rumah Pendampingan of DSLNG CSR in each sub-districts. The sacrificial activity is one of the sharing activ...

Again, DSLNG Donates School Bus for Banggai Regency Government

PT Donggi-Senoro LNG donated one school bus to the Banggai Regency Government for the second time. The bus donation was symbolically handed over by External Relations Officer Nurianto, representing DSLNG management to Banggai Regent Ir H. Amirudin Tamoreka, at the Banggai Regent`s Office yard in Luwuk, Friday (23/7). The bus donation was intended as a transportation for students in Batui District and was immediately handed over by the Regent to Batui Sub-district Head Harianto Galib, ...