DSLNG Again Released the Conserved Maleo Birds
DSLNG has again released 12 maleo birds (Macrocephalon maleo) from the conservation of the DSLNG Maleo Ex-situ Conservation Center to their habitat in the Bakiriang Wildlife Sanctuary, Moilong District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, Friday (10/12/2021).
The release of this endangered Sulawesi endemic bird was carried out by DSLNG together with the Central Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), the Sulawesi Endemic Animal Study and Development Center, representatives of the Batui indigenous people, and Batui environmental activists from the Maleo Lovers Community. Maleo released into the wild are from BKSDA confiscated eggs hatched using incubator technology at the DSLNG Maleo Conservation Center facility. DSLNG Maleo Conservation, established in 2013, is the first maleo ex-situ conservation facility in the world is a form of DSLNG`s commitment to increasing the population of this endangered bird.