DSLNG Introduces LNG Industry to Students
To further introduce of the LNG industry in Banggai Regency to students, PT Donggi-Senoro LNG presented the "Oil and Gas Industry Production Process" material to fulfill the invitation to the VIII Leadership Basic Training (LDK) Student Association of Industrial Engineering (HMTI) Faculty of Engineering, the University of Muhammadiyah Luwuk on Friday (15/10).
In his presentation through videos and infographics, DSLNG External Communication Supervisor, Rahmat Azis, explained the vital role of DSLNG in the Downstream sector in the LNG business chain, which has been successfully monetized in Banggai Regency since it was discovered 30 years ago. The students enthusiastically asked questions and positive statements during the activity. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Unismuh Luwuk, Jurtan Latuba, SE, MSi, in his delivery said the presence of DSLNG on the Unismuh campus was an excellent opportunity to better recognize the existence of the oil and gas industry in the region and take the knowledge needed to increase students` insight and knowledge.