DSLNG Project

DSLNG Project

permit license

DSLNG is the first Indonesian LNG project developed as a "downstream business activity" based on Law No. 22 of 2001, which enables separate development of upstream (feedstock gas supply) and downstream (LNG manufacturing) businesses.

As a downstream company, DSLNG purchases natural gas from PT Pertamina EP (Matindok area) and PT PHE Tomori Sulawesi, PT Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi and Tomori E&P Limited (UK)(Senoro field) as feedstock gas for the DSLNG-owned liquefaction plant. The gas is cooled into LNG for storage and then loaded into LNG tankers for transport and sale to  LNG buyers.

Project Location
The DSLNG plant is located in Banggai Regency, in the Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia, and is situated about 45 kilometers south-east of Luwuk, the main town of Banggai Regency. The plant site is located at the coast facing the Peling Strait, which provides a deep sea water route from Surabaya and Makassar to Luwuk and Manado.

The town of Luwuk can be reached by plane by daily commercial flights from Makassar to Luwuk airport. The travel time by ship is approximately one day from Makassar to Tangkiang port near the plant site, while land transportation from Palu takes about 18 hours.