DSLNG Supports the 2024 Banggai Government Expo

The 2024 Banggai Government Expo was once again organized by the Banggai Regency Government at Mirqan Field, Luwuk, Central Sulawesi (8-21 September 2024). Aimed to sharing information and as a platform for connecting various stakeholders, DSLNG also participated in this event. With an interactive booth, DSLNG presented a wide range of general information to the public, including information about the DSLNG project and plant, featured CSR programs such as OISCA and the ex-situ Maleo bird conservation. DSLNG also hosted a writing competition for all journalists in Banggai Regency who attended the expo. Additionally, during the four-day event, DSLNG held numerous interactive educational quizzes with attractive prizes for the visitors. The DSLNG booth was visited by over 200 people from various backgrounds, including school students, university students, public officials, and the public.

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DSLNG Shares How to Deal with Crisis Communication and Public Speaking Skills at Tadulako University

DSLNG held its second DSLNG Goes to Campus program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Tadulako University, Palu, on Monday, September 9, 2024. The event featured External Communication Supervisor Rahmat Azis, who delivered a session on crisis management in media relations, and Public & Media Relation Officer Reski Sululing, who presented on the art of public speaking. More than 130 students attended the event enthusiastically, actively participating in discussions and Q&A sessions. This program aligns with the Ministry of Education's Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) policy, which provides students with opportunities to learn directly from industry professionals.

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Prioritizing Worker Welfare and the Environment, DSLNG Receives the Paritrana Award

DSLNG has been awarded the prestigious Paritrana Award as a Large-Scale Mining Company at the provincial level in Central Sulawesi, which was presented directly by the Governor of Central Sulawesi, Rusdy Mastura, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, in Palu. This award, organized by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, recognizes DSLNG's commitment to enhancing worker welfare and corporate social responsibility, including compliance with BPJS Employment protection, efforts in occupational safety prevention, as well as positive contributions to the surrounding community. The company's innovation through the Quality Control Circle (QCC) initiative was also a standout aspect of the evaluation. The award evaluation process involved a team consisting of representatives from the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, the Department of Labor, Apindo, labor unions, academics, and experts.


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The competence of people is paramount to the achievement of operational excellence. Right from the start DSLNG has sought to attract and develop the very best people to achieve its operational goals.

Basic concept

Empowerment is the key word in the implementation of DSLNG's CSR programs, with focus on human resources' capacity building

“DSLNG is working to improve the quality of life of the surrounding communities”


Community & CSR


Corporate Activities