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Our Commitment for Work Quality, Health and Safety as well as Environment Protection.
DSLNG is committed to prioritize occupational health and safety aspects as well as maintaining environmental sustainability in its activities.
The First LNG Project in Indonesia to adopt a downstream development Model.
DSLNG represents a major investment that will generate economic growth for Central Sulawesi through multiplier effects in social, economic, and infrastructure development.
DSLNG once again organized an outreach program regarding the Work Area (DLKR) and Interest Area (DLKP) of its Dedicated Terminal at the DSLNG Community Learning Center hall in Uso Village, Batui Subdistrict, on Wednesday (18/12). This socialization aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of defining the operational boundaries of DSLNG’s port to support safety, efficiency, and legal certainty for all stakeholders around the DSLNG Plant area. DSLNG's External Relations Manager, Ardya Yosy Rahardjo, stated that this activity is conducted periodically to ensure that port management complies with the latest regulations, including Law Number 66 of 2024, which amends the Shipping Law. With an approach that involves stakeholders, including fishermen and local government representatives, DSLNG reaffirms its commitment to international maritime safety and security standards as part of efforts to maintain the sustainability of the Dedicated Terminal as a national vital object.
At the LNG Indonesia Forum 2024 held in Bandung, PT Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) actively contributed to supporting the national targets for emission reduction and reliable LNG plant operations. The forum explored the strategic role of LNG in energy transition, infrastructure development, and fostering synergy among stakeholders to create a sustainable LNG ecosystem. DSLNG presented various initiatives, including reliability enhancement programs for LNG plants, emission mitigation through cost-efficient technologies, and a commitment to decarbonization via gas flaring reduction and energy optimization. Additionally, DSLNG emphasized the importance of efficient workforce development to support the optimal operations of its single train LNG. DSLNG's participation underscores its contribution to accelerating LNG development and strengthening Indonesia's position in the global energy market.
The competence of people is paramount to
the achievement of operational excellence.
Right from the start DSLNG
has sought to attract and
develop the very best people
to achieve its operational goals.
Basic concept
Empowerment is the key word in the implementation of DSLNG's CSR programs, with focus on human resources' capacity building
“DSLNG is working to improve the quality of life of the surrounding communities”